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Algorithm : Black

mi ero dimenticato di dirlo, tengo sempre aggiornato il primo post con le nuove scoperte, tra cui appunto l'immagine postata da konte! :ok:


Sono riuscito a scaricare il video sul HD se può interessare.

Ma che dicono le voci'

sono quelle da analizzare, da isolare i suoni e voci.

YouTube Transcript:

I don't like using data drops but here goes. I was approached in Westview yesterday near the uh Guinness Lake Access Node. This guy who had apparently been watching the tussle I had with one of the local gangs said I had potential. When I asked "For what'" he said "For the algorithm". Then he gave me a card with a phone number on it and told me to call him. I don't know what to make of it, it looked like another recruiter but I keep hearing whispers of this 'Algorithm' thing. I'm gonna look into it, I'm giving the guy a call here in about thirty minutes. I'll leave another message whenever I find out more. Be careful.

Ieri sera io, micro e helnos , abbiamo intercettato due operativi di Algorithm black , e li abbiamo seguiti durante un loro strano rituale davanti a certe HL di Richland...

in cosa consisteva il rituale'

Mi permetto di rispondere io. Si posizionavano ai lati della cabina e poi uno per volta si inginocchiavano di fronte alla stessa. Però come correvano eheheheh mi sembrava di essere Moreno Morello in uno dei suoi servizi a Striscia 😆

[URL=http://img339.imageshack.us/my.php'image=screenshot179zk5.jpg]Immagine Forum[/URL]

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Visible darkness :


E' richiesta analisi dei video elencati!

Pagina Hidden aggiornata, nuovi link nuove immagini nuovo messaggio:

Locations and operatives have been scouted.
Sources compiling.
Successfully mapped the city's electric utility grid.
Continued presence required, potential recruits available throughout various locations.
City disturbances are to be kept to a minimum.
Several bases have been acquired throughout the simulation for our purole-playeroses.
We have become aware of surveillance throughout region in regard to our operatives.
Further orders requested.
Research efforts on subjects continue to provide required data on each organization.
Suspicion of operatives may cause degradation in obectives.
However, we do not believe they have mistaken our actions.
Situation may prove to be useful in our progress.
We believe the operation requires extensive study.
Wèll be continuing our efforts for now and will be cautious.
Study of marked operatives may prove useful.
Recruits are being scouted from planned locations.
With continued effort, we believe this will progress with as needed response

Ho agggiornato il primo post con le nuove immagini e link del video.

All "Matrix" related material is property of Village Roadshow Film Ltd. and Warner Bros. - a Time Warner Entertainment company
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