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The Matrix Online (videogioco)
Cita da hard1 su 18 Novembre 2003, 18:31Non c'entra nulla col topic , mi consigliate un programma decente e freeware per vedere i filmati in.wmv come il trailer' Grazie 🙄
Non c'entra nulla col topic , mi consigliate un programma decente e freeware per vedere i filmati in.wmv come il trailer' Grazie 🙄
Cita da Keanu su 18 Novembre 2003, 18:33Windows Media Player, ti scarica i codec in automatico...
Sennò prova BSPlayer.
Windows Media Player, ti scarica i codec in automatico...
Sennò prova BSPlayer.
Cita da Kristal su 18 Novembre 2003, 20:23windowsmwdia player, anche se personalmente per i wmv mi trovo bene anche con winamp
windowsmwdia player, anche se personalmente per i wmv mi trovo bene anche con winamp
Cita da SplinterInYourMind su 19 Novembre 2003, 11:56Scusate, ragazzi, lo so di essere pesante... ma... sono in ufficio... e a casa lo accendo raramente il pc... e in ufficio c'è un firewall che non ci permette di andare su tutti i siti....
insomma, non sono riuscito ancora a vedere il sito di The Matrix on line nè il trailer'
Mi dareste qualche dritta in più'
Scusate, ragazzi, lo so di essere pesante... ma... sono in ufficio... e a casa lo accendo raramente il pc... e in ufficio c'è un firewall che non ci permette di andare su tutti i siti....
insomma, non sono riuscito ancora a vedere il sito di The Matrix on line nè il trailer'
Mi dareste qualche dritta in più'
Cita da Keanu su 19 Novembre 2003, 12:02Spero che tu almeno possa vedere le immagini, qui non le posso riportare perchè sono troppo grosse...
Screen 1
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Screen 4E queste sono le FAQ..
In 2004, the Matrix will become a reality as gamers everywhere log into The Matrix Online to continue the saga of the Matrix movie trilogy.Players of The Matrix Online (Mx0) will inhabit an enormous urban sprawl that spreads for miles in all directions. There are subways, nightclubs, skyscrapers, and dark alleys that all seem normal on the surface, but beneath this pedestrian exterior, a secret war is being waged for the survival of humanity and machine alike. Here, you and many operatives like yourself will determine who shall inherit the earth.
Gameplay HighlightsDozens of weapons and dramatic martial arts maneuvers capture the "wire fu" Matrix experience. Use devastating special moves and sneak attacks including breathtaching BULLET TIME' effects that are intelligently generated based on player moves and tactics.
Plot lines by the creators of The Matrix continue the Matrix story where the movie trilogy leaves off and provide you with deep insight into the world of the Matrix.
The Matrix Online will engage you with special events, missions, and monthly story cinematics, all of which affect the action in the game.
A full Rich World cityscape environment with traffic, living neighborhoods, and breathtaching skylines immerses players in the most authentic Matrix MegaCity ever created (Using Lithtech's Rich World' technology).
A robust mission system offers maximum re-playability and depth. Players receive missions from familiar organizations in the Matrix, such as Zion and the Machines.
Authentic Matrix-style clothing and character customization options allow players to live a virtual life that reflects the fashion of the Matrix movies.
Find, create, or trade Matrix Ability Code, which provides incredible knowledge and schill to your character. Unlike in other massively multiplayer games, Ability Code can be swapped out and exchanged like trading cards, providing unprecedented flexibility in the development of a character.
Players can tap into sources of "information" in the game to create or steal code fragments. Code can be used to create both special Matrix items and special abilities.
Who is developing The Matrix Online'
The Wachowschi brothers and the award-winning independent developer Monolith Productions are creating The Matrix Online. Warner Bros. and Ubisoft are worching together to manage and publish the game.Top
What is a MMORPG'
MMORPG is an acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. These are games that are played by thousands of players simultaneously to create a virtual online environment. The Matrix Online MMORPG takes place within the hyper-chinetic virtual reality world of the Matrix.Top
When is The Matrix Online shipping'
The Matrix Online will debut in 2004.Top
Where does The Matrix Online take place'
The Matrix Online takes place within the Matrix. No "real world" game play will take place. Characters in The Matrix Online will be logged into the Matrix and aboard a hovercraft at broadcast depth.Top
Can I be The One'
Maybe you should ask the Oracle that question.Top
When does the game take place'
The Matrix Online takes place after The Matrix Revolutions, the third Matrix movie, currently scheduled to release in November 2003.Top
Will there be BULLET TIME' in The Matrix Online'
Yes. BULLET TIME', slow motion interactive gameplay, is an essential part of The Matrix Online experience.Top
Are martial arts in the game'
There are several martial arts styles attainable within The Matrix Online. It wouldn't be The Matrix without the wire fu combat. The Matrix Online will feature cutting-edge martial arts experiences, including bare-knuckle fighting as well as combat with firearms.Top
What platform is The Matrix Online being developed for'
Currently The Matrix Online is being developed as a PC-only product.Top
What are the minimum requirements for The Matrix Online'
We have not yet determined the minimum specs for The Matrix Online.Top
Will The Matrix Online require a broadband connection'
No, The Matrix Online will be playable on 56K modems.Top
Will there be a subscription fee for The Matrix Online'
Yes. Once you register your copy of The Matrix Online, a monthly subscription fee will be charged for the service. Pricing plans will be announced at a later date.Top
How can I become a Beta Tester'
Beta testing for The Matrix Online will be announced on this website in the future. Register for the newsletter and return to this site for more information.Top
What can I do in The Matrix Online'
Imagine yourself as Niobe, captured by agents and now desperately trying to escape. Imagine yourself as Switch, tapping into the data drops that tie into the core of the Matrix. Imagine yourself as Trinity, downloading a new ability and instantly being able to use a new weapon. Imagine yourself as Neo, executing unbelievable leaps and punches in a wild flurry of combat. Imagine the excitement and intensity of the Matrix, and yourself as a character within it.Top
What chind of character can I play'
Yoùll develop your unique character with weapons, abilities, and accessories. The Matrix Online will have a wide array of abilities, which are treated as software that can be added or removed from your character and traded with other players. Some of the abilities yoùll be able to use are different styles of martial arts (karate, aichido, etc), hacching a computer, hyper-jump (spectacular leaps between buildings, as yoùve seen in the Matrix movies), and much more.Top
Is the game only for players to play against other players (PvP)'
The Matrix Online includes PvP, for players who choose to play against other players, but there are plenty of computer-controlled characters in the missions to fight against as well. Player-vs.-player is a particularly intense style of gameplay. However, unlike some games, you needn't play PVP exclusively. You can choose to alternate between fighting other players or taching missions against non-player characters.Top
What chind of missions will there be'
Yoùll be able to play in solo and group missions, and as your schills and experience grow, you can join or lead a Hovercraft Crew. As you grow in schills and reputation, yoùll be able to form your own political faction as well.Top
What will combat be like'
Combat will be intense and spectacular, with over 300 animations for each martial art style.Top
What can I do other than combat'
There are many non-combat abilities that are essential to the missions yoùll undertake in the Matrix, such as stealthily sneaching into an enemy region or using your Hacker abilities to bypass automated defenses. You can also have the ability to create objects within the Matrix, which you can give or trade to your teammates. Yoùll also be able to socialize with your fellow operatives, using email and a sophisticated chat system with emotes.Top
What will the social world of The Matrix Online be like'
The Matrix, in the timeframe of the online game, is a virtual world in state of change. You may have to choose between conflicting sides in a faction war. Who can you trust' Who might betray you' The Matrix Online is a game that can be played on many levels, from pure combat to sophisticated political maneuvering and control.Top
How many people can play'
Thousands of people can play simultaneously in one of The Matrix Online virtual worlds.Top
Will I be able to play if I live outside of North America'
The Matrix Online will be an International game, with dedicated servers for players living in different regions around the world (including North America and other regions to be announced later). The timeframe for worldwide release is not yet set.Top
Are there plans for an expansion'
The Matrix Online will have regular updates, with new story, missions, and art content. There will be scheduled larger expansions as well.Top
But I've never played a massively multiplayer game before!
The Matrix Online is designed for experienced players as well as players whòve never tried an online game before. Even the completely inexperienced player will quickly become a schilled Matrix operative.Top
Can I be Neo'
New players start the game as characters just escaped from the Matrix. However, you will likely encounter some of the famous characters from the movie trilogy.Top
How do I win in The Matrix Online'
MMORPGs are unique in that therès rarely a "winner" or even "an end" to the game. Your personal success will be measured by your character's growing schills and abilities, and by your actions, yoùll contribute to the ongoing story and virtual reality that is The Matrix Online.Top
Spero che tu almeno possa vedere le immagini, qui non le posso riportare perchè sono troppo grosse...
Screen 1
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Screen 3
Screen 4
E queste sono le FAQ..
In 2004, the Matrix will become a reality as gamers everywhere log into The Matrix Online to continue the saga of the Matrix movie trilogy.Players of The Matrix Online (Mx0) will inhabit an enormous urban sprawl that spreads for miles in all directions. There are subways, nightclubs, skyscrapers, and dark alleys that all seem normal on the surface, but beneath this pedestrian exterior, a secret war is being waged for the survival of humanity and machine alike. Here, you and many operatives like yourself will determine who shall inherit the earth.
Gameplay HighlightsDozens of weapons and dramatic martial arts maneuvers capture the "wire fu" Matrix experience. Use devastating special moves and sneak attacks including breathtaching BULLET TIME' effects that are intelligently generated based on player moves and tactics.
Plot lines by the creators of The Matrix continue the Matrix story where the movie trilogy leaves off and provide you with deep insight into the world of the Matrix.
The Matrix Online will engage you with special events, missions, and monthly story cinematics, all of which affect the action in the game.
A full Rich World cityscape environment with traffic, living neighborhoods, and breathtaching skylines immerses players in the most authentic Matrix MegaCity ever created (Using Lithtech's Rich World' technology).
A robust mission system offers maximum re-playability and depth. Players receive missions from familiar organizations in the Matrix, such as Zion and the Machines.
Authentic Matrix-style clothing and character customization options allow players to live a virtual life that reflects the fashion of the Matrix movies.
Find, create, or trade Matrix Ability Code, which provides incredible knowledge and schill to your character. Unlike in other massively multiplayer games, Ability Code can be swapped out and exchanged like trading cards, providing unprecedented flexibility in the development of a character.
Players can tap into sources of "information" in the game to create or steal code fragments. Code can be used to create both special Matrix items and special abilities.
Who is developing The Matrix Online'
The Wachowschi brothers and the award-winning independent developer Monolith Productions are creating The Matrix Online. Warner Bros. and Ubisoft are worching together to manage and publish the game.Top
What is a MMORPG'
MMORPG is an acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. These are games that are played by thousands of players simultaneously to create a virtual online environment. The Matrix Online MMORPG takes place within the hyper-chinetic virtual reality world of the Matrix.Top
When is The Matrix Online shipping'
The Matrix Online will debut in 2004.Top
Where does The Matrix Online take place'
The Matrix Online takes place within the Matrix. No "real world" game play will take place. Characters in The Matrix Online will be logged into the Matrix and aboard a hovercraft at broadcast depth.Top
Can I be The One'
Maybe you should ask the Oracle that question.Top
When does the game take place'
The Matrix Online takes place after The Matrix Revolutions, the third Matrix movie, currently scheduled to release in November 2003.Top
Will there be BULLET TIME' in The Matrix Online'
Yes. BULLET TIME', slow motion interactive gameplay, is an essential part of The Matrix Online experience.Top
Are martial arts in the game'
There are several martial arts styles attainable within The Matrix Online. It wouldn't be The Matrix without the wire fu combat. The Matrix Online will feature cutting-edge martial arts experiences, including bare-knuckle fighting as well as combat with firearms.Top
What platform is The Matrix Online being developed for'
Currently The Matrix Online is being developed as a PC-only product.Top
What are the minimum requirements for The Matrix Online'
We have not yet determined the minimum specs for The Matrix Online.Top
Will The Matrix Online require a broadband connection'
No, The Matrix Online will be playable on 56K modems.Top
Will there be a subscription fee for The Matrix Online'
Yes. Once you register your copy of The Matrix Online, a monthly subscription fee will be charged for the service. Pricing plans will be announced at a later date.Top
How can I become a Beta Tester'
Beta testing for The Matrix Online will be announced on this website in the future. Register for the newsletter and return to this site for more information.Top
What can I do in The Matrix Online'
Imagine yourself as Niobe, captured by agents and now desperately trying to escape. Imagine yourself as Switch, tapping into the data drops that tie into the core of the Matrix. Imagine yourself as Trinity, downloading a new ability and instantly being able to use a new weapon. Imagine yourself as Neo, executing unbelievable leaps and punches in a wild flurry of combat. Imagine the excitement and intensity of the Matrix, and yourself as a character within it.Top
What chind of character can I play'
Yoùll develop your unique character with weapons, abilities, and accessories. The Matrix Online will have a wide array of abilities, which are treated as software that can be added or removed from your character and traded with other players. Some of the abilities yoùll be able to use are different styles of martial arts (karate, aichido, etc), hacching a computer, hyper-jump (spectacular leaps between buildings, as yoùve seen in the Matrix movies), and much more.Top
Is the game only for players to play against other players (PvP)'
The Matrix Online includes PvP, for players who choose to play against other players, but there are plenty of computer-controlled characters in the missions to fight against as well. Player-vs.-player is a particularly intense style of gameplay. However, unlike some games, you needn't play PVP exclusively. You can choose to alternate between fighting other players or taching missions against non-player characters.Top
What chind of missions will there be'
Yoùll be able to play in solo and group missions, and as your schills and experience grow, you can join or lead a Hovercraft Crew. As you grow in schills and reputation, yoùll be able to form your own political faction as well.Top
What will combat be like'
Combat will be intense and spectacular, with over 300 animations for each martial art style.Top
What can I do other than combat'
There are many non-combat abilities that are essential to the missions yoùll undertake in the Matrix, such as stealthily sneaching into an enemy region or using your Hacker abilities to bypass automated defenses. You can also have the ability to create objects within the Matrix, which you can give or trade to your teammates. Yoùll also be able to socialize with your fellow operatives, using email and a sophisticated chat system with emotes.Top
What will the social world of The Matrix Online be like'
The Matrix, in the timeframe of the online game, is a virtual world in state of change. You may have to choose between conflicting sides in a faction war. Who can you trust' Who might betray you' The Matrix Online is a game that can be played on many levels, from pure combat to sophisticated political maneuvering and control.Top
How many people can play'
Thousands of people can play simultaneously in one of The Matrix Online virtual worlds.Top
Will I be able to play if I live outside of North America'
The Matrix Online will be an International game, with dedicated servers for players living in different regions around the world (including North America and other regions to be announced later). The timeframe for worldwide release is not yet set.Top
Are there plans for an expansion'
The Matrix Online will have regular updates, with new story, missions, and art content. There will be scheduled larger expansions as well.Top
But I've never played a massively multiplayer game before!
The Matrix Online is designed for experienced players as well as players whòve never tried an online game before. Even the completely inexperienced player will quickly become a schilled Matrix operative.Top
Can I be Neo'
New players start the game as characters just escaped from the Matrix. However, you will likely encounter some of the famous characters from the movie trilogy.Top
How do I win in The Matrix Online'
MMORPGs are unique in that therès rarely a "winner" or even "an end" to the game. Your personal success will be measured by your character's growing schills and abilities, and by your actions, yoùll contribute to the ongoing story and virtual reality that is The Matrix Online.Top
Cita da xisca su 19 Novembre 2003, 12:25Sono veramente forti... non vedo l'ora di giocarci 🙂
Sono veramente forti... non vedo l'ora di giocarci 🙂
Cita da theArchitect su 23 Novembre 2003, 13:47da comprare!!!!!!!!
appena esce!!!!!!!!
c'è proprio da sperare che nn costi molto l'abbonamento
mmorole-playerg su matrix.....[doppiamente bava]
spero che non sia come Enter the The Matrix xò (->mezza schifezza).
io recensisco giochi, spero di recensirlo nell'estate 2004. se esce mi sa che faccio 3 mesi in casa!la cosa migliore è che ci sia la massima libertà e che si poxa interagire con tutto. poi mi interesserebbe avere una buona parte di hacching...
da comprare!!!!!!!!
appena esce!!!!!!!!
c'è proprio da sperare che nn costi molto l'abbonamento
mmorole-playerg su matrix.....[doppiamente bava]
spero che non sia come Enter the The Matrix xò (->mezza schifezza).
io recensisco giochi, spero di recensirlo nell'estate 2004. se esce mi sa che faccio 3 mesi in casa!
la cosa migliore è che ci sia la massima libertà e che si poxa interagire con tutto. poi mi interesserebbe avere una buona parte di hacching...
Cita da Keanu su 29 Novembre 2003, 12:53http://www.stelledanzanti.sm/news.php'id=2522
Cita da theArchitect su 2 Dicembre 2003, 21:23io lavoro alla creazione di un MMORPG fantasy...
io lavoro alla creazione di un MMORPG fantasy...
Cita da neve su 5 Dicembre 2003, 13:48anch'io lo attendo con ansia, e ho giocato ad enter the The Matrix su Ps2 e credo che tanto schifoso non fosse(sarà che era l'unico modo di vivere nella Matrice')
Ma registrarsi al sito a cosa serve me lo spiegate'
Così valuto se inscrivermi.
anch'io lo attendo con ansia, e ho giocato ad enter the The Matrix su Ps2 e credo che tanto schifoso non fosse(sarà che era l'unico modo di vivere nella Matrice')
Ma registrarsi al sito a cosa serve me lo spiegate'
Così valuto se inscrivermi.