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Star Wars Merchandise (petizione)

A questo indirizzo potete trovare la petizione che potrà finalmente permettere a noi italiani di avere tutto (si spera) ciò che stiamo perdendo del merchandise di Star Wars, che attualmente comprende un enorme numero di libri, fumetti e action figures non è mai uscita in Italia.

Quoto a seguire la lista di cose che non sono mai arrivate nel nostro paese postata da Xizor su UnionForce.net:


Serie 'Boba Fett' (2002 ' 2004)

 Boba Fett #1 - The Fight to Survive
 Boba Fett #2 - Crossfire
 Boba Fett #3 - Maze of Deception
 Boba Fett #4: Hunted
 Boba Fett #5: A New Threat
 Boba Fett #6: Pursuit

Serie 'Episode I Adoveentures' (1999 ' 2000)

 Episode I Adoveentures #1: Search for the Lost Jedi
 Episode I Adoveentures #2: The Bartokk Assassins
 Episode I Adoveentures #3: The Fury of Darth Maul
 Episode I Adoveentures #4: Jedi Emergency
 Episode I Adoveentures #5: The Ghostling Children
 Episode I Adoveentures #6: The Hunt for Anachin Skywalker
 Episode I Adoveentures #7: Capture Arawynne
 Episode I Adoveentures #8: Trouble on Tatooine
 Episode I Adoveentures #9: Rescue in the Core
 Episode I Adoveentures #10: Festival of Warriors
 Episode I Adoveentures #11: Pirates from Beyond the Sea
 Episode I Adoveentures #12: The Bongo Rally
 Episode I Adoveentures #13: Danger on Naboo

Serie 'Jedi Apprentice' ' 'Apprendista Jedi' (1999 ' 2002)

 Jedi Apprentice #1 : The Rising Force (Uscito in Italia)
 Jedi Apprentice #2: The Dark Rival (Uscito in Italia)
 Jedi Apprentice #3: The Hidden Past (Uscito in Italia)
 Jedi Apprentice #3: The Mark of The Crown (Uscito in Italia)
 Jedi Apprentice #4: The Defenders of the Dead
 Jedi Apprentice #5: The Uncertain Path
 Jedi Apprentice #6: The Captive Temple
 Jedi Apprentice #7: The Day of Reckoning
 Jedi Apprentice #8: The Fight for Truth
 Jedi Apprentice #9: The Shattered Peace
 Jedi Apprentice #10: The Deadly Hunter
 Jedi Apprentice #11: The Evil Experiment
 Jedi Apprentice #12: The Dangerous Rescue
 Jedi Apprentice #13: Deceptions
 Jedi Apprentice #14: The Ties That Bind
 Jedi Apprentice #15: The Death of Hope
 Jedi Apprentice #16: The Call to Vengeance
 Jedi Apprentice #17: The Only Witness
 Jedi Apprentice #18: The Threat Within

Serie 'Jedi Quest ' (2001 ' 2005)

 Jedi Quest: Path to Truth
 Jedi Quest #1: The Way of the Apprentice
 Jedi Quest #2: The Trail of the Jedi
 Jedi Quest #3: The Dangerous Games
 Jedi Quest #4: Master of Disguise
 Jedi Quest #5: The School of Fear
 Jedi Quest #6: The Shadow Trap
 Jedi Quest #7: The Moment of Truth
 Jedi Quest #8: A Changing of the Guard
 Jedi Quest #9: The False Peace
 Jedi Quest #10: The Final Showdown
 Legacy of the Jedi
 Legacy Of The Jedi #2 (Uscita prevista per Marzo 2005: Uscirà')

Serie 'Junior Jedi Knights' (1995 ' 1997)

 Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
 Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World
 Junior Jedi Knights: Promises
 Junior Jedi Knights: Anachin's Quest
 Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress
 Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobìs Blade

Serie 'Star Wars: A New Hope'

 Star Wars (Edizione '3 in 1' del 2004, per commemorare l'uscita in DVD)
 Star Wars Illustrated Screenplay
 A New Hope Script
 Art of Star Wars

Serie 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back'

 The Empire Strikes Back Script
 Art of the Empire Strikes Back

Serie 'Bounty Hunter Wars'

 Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise
 Bounty Hunter Wars: The Mandalorian Armor
 Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship

Serie 'Cloak Of Deception'

 Cloak of Deception

Serie ' Han Solo Trilogy '

 Hutt Gambit
 The Paradise Snare
 Rebel Dawn

Serie 'New Jedi Order'

 New Jedi Order: Vector Prime
 New Jedi Order: Onslaught
 New Jedi Order: Ruin
 New Jedi Order: Heròs Trial
 New Jedi Order: Jedi Eclipse
 New Jedi Order: Balance Point
 New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest
 New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
 New Jedi Order: Recovery
 New Jedi Order: Star by Star
 New Jedi Order: Dark Journey
 New Jedi Order: Rebel Dream
 New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
 New Jedi Order: Traitor
 New Jedi Order: Ylesia
 New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
 New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant
 New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee
 New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion
 Star Wars: New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy
 New Jedi Order: Unifying Force

Serie 'Star Wars: Rouge Planet '

 Star Wars: Rouge Planet

Serie 'Tales of''

 Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina
 Nightlily, the Lovers Tale
 Tales from Jabbàs Palace
 Tales of the Bounty Hunters
 Tales From the Empire
 Tales from the New Republic

Serie ' Clone Wars '

 Star Wars: Clone Wars Short Story Collection
 Star Wars: Shatterole-playeroint
 Star Wars: The Cestus Deception
 Star Wars: Medstar I: Battle Surgeons
 Star Wars: Medstar II: Healer
 Star Wars: Jedi Trial
 Star Wars: Republic Commando - Hard Contact
 Star Wars: Yoda - Dark Rendezvous
 Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil
 Star Wars: Secrets of the Jedi (Marzo 2005: Uscirà')
 Jedi Trial
 The Approaching Storm
 The Hive

Serie 'Black Fleet Crisis'

 Before The Storm
 Tyrant's Test
 Shield

Serie 'Callista'

 Children of The Jedi
 Planet of Twilight
 Darksaber

Serie ' Corellian Trilogy '

 Ambush at Corellia
 Assault at Selonia
 Showdown at Centerole-playeroint

Serie ' Darth Maul '

 Darth Maul: Saboteur
 Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Serie 'Han Solo Adoveentures'

 Han Solòs Revenge
 Han Solo and the Lost Legacy
 Han Solòs Revenge

Serie 'Hand of Thrawn'

 Specter of the Past
 Vision of the Future

Serie 'Lando Adoveentures'

 Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
 Lando Calrissian and the Mindharole-player of Sharu
 Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka

Serie 'The Return of The Jedi'

 Return of the Jedi Script
 The Art of The Return of The Jedi

Serie 'Survivor's Quest'

 Survivor's Quest
 Fool's Bargain

Serie 'Tatooine's Ghost'

 Tatooine Ghost
 A Forest Apart

Serie 'The Rebellion'

 The New Rebellion

Serie 'X-Wing Rouge Squadron'

 Iron Fist
 Rogue Squadron
 Starfighters of Adumar
 The Krytos Trap
 Wraith Squadron
 Isard's Revenge
 Solo Command
 The Bacta War
 Wedgès Gamble




Action Figures 2000-2002
__ Anachin Skywalker (Mechanic)
__ Aurra Sing (Bounty Hunter)
__ Battle Droid (Boomer Damage)
__ Battle Droid (Security)
__ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Jedi Knight)
__ Bespin Guard (Cloud City Security)
__ BoShek
__ Boss Nass (Gungan Sacred Place)
__ Chewbacca (Dejarik Champion)
__ Chewbacca (Millennium Falcon Mechanic)
__ Coruscant Guard
__ Darth Maul (Final Duel)
__ Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice)
__ Darth Vader (Dagobah)
__ Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath)
__ Eeth Koth (Jedi Master)
__ Ellorrs Madak (Fan's Choice FIgure No. 1)
__ Fode and Beed (Pod Race Announcers)
__ FX-7 (Medical Droid)
__ Gungan Warrior
__ Han Solo (Bespin Capture)
__ Han Solo (Death Star Escape)
__ IG-88 (Bounty hunter)
__ Imperial Officer
__ Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine)
__ Jek Porchins (X-Wing Pilot)
__ K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid)
__ Ketwol
__ Lando Calrissian (Bespin Escape)
__ Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)
__ Leia Organa (General)
__ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
__ Mas Amedda
__ Mon Calamari (Officer)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Gear)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Training Gear)
__ Plo Koon (Jedi Master)
__ Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy)
__ Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion)
__ Qui-Gon Jinn (Mos Espa Disguise)
__ Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Training Gear)
__ R2-D2 (Naboo Escape)
__ R4-M9 (With Mouse Droid)
__ R2-Q5 ( Imperial Astromech Droid)
__ Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender)
__ Sabé (Queen's Decoy)
__ Saesee Tinn (Jedi Master)
__ Sandtrooper (Tatooine Patrol)
__ Scout Trooper (Imperial Patrol)
__ Sebulba (Boonta Eve Challenge)
__ Shmi Skywalker
__ Teebo
__ Tessek
__ Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper)
__ Zutton (Snaggletooth)

25th Anniversary Figures
__ Han Solo And Chewbacca
__ Luke Skywalker And Princess Leia
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi And Darth Vader

Deluxe Figures
__ Amanaman with Salacious Crumb
__ Darth Maul with Sith Attack Droid
__ Luke Skywalker in Echo Base Bacta Tank
__ Princess Leia with Sail Barge Cannon

Special Or Exclusive Figures
__ Boba Fett (300th Figure Special Edition)
__ Rorworr (Woochiee Scout)

Figure Multipacks
__ Darth Vader & Darth Maul: Masters of the Dark Side

12" Figures
__ 4-LOM
__ Bossk
__ Captain Tarole-playerals and Kaadu
__ Death Star Droid
__ Death Star Trooper
__ Han Solo Stormtrooper
__ IG-88
__ Luke Skywalker and Speeder Bike
__ Luke Skywalker and Yoda
__ Luke Skywalker (100th Edition)
__ Sith Lords (Darth Vader and Darth Maul)

Mega Action Figures
__ Darth Maul
__ Destroyer Droid
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi

Palm Talkers
__ Boba Fett
__ C-3PO
__ Chewbacca
__ Darth Vader
__ Stormtrooper

__ B-Wing with Sullustan Pilot
__ TIE Interceptor with TIE Fighter Pilot
__ AT-ST "Battle Damaged" w/ Speederbike and Paploo Figure
__ Snow Speeder "Battle Damaged" with Rebel Pilots
__ TIE Bomber with TIE Fighter Pilot

__ Bespin Freeze Chamber with Bespin Security Guard

Episode II Sneak Peek Figures
__ Clonetrooper
__ Jango Fett
__ R3-T7
__ Zam Wessell

Droids of Star Tours Figures
__ DL-X2
__ G2-4T
__ G2-9T
__ R3-D3
__ R4-M9
__ R5-D2
__ RX-24 (Captain REX)
__ SK-Z38
__ WEG-1618

Basic Figures - 2002
02-01 __ Anachin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise)
02-02 __ Padmé Amidala (Arena Escape)
02-03 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
02-05 __ Kit Fisto (Jedi Master)
02-06 __ Super Battle Droid
02-07 __ Boba Fett (Kamino Escape)
02-04 __ C-3PO (Protocol Droid)
02-08 __ Tusken Raider (Female with child)
02-09 __ Captain Typho (Padmé's Head of Security)
02-10 __ Shaak Ti (Jedi Master)
02-11 __ Battle Droid (Arena Battle)
02-12 __ Plo Koon (Arena Battle)
02-13 __ Jango Fett (Kamino Escape)
02-14 __ R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry)
02-15 __ Geonosian Warrior
02-16 __ Dexter Jettster (Coruscant Informant)
02-17 __ Clone Trooper
02-18 __ Zam Wesell (Bounty Hunter)
02-19 __ Royal Guard (Coruscant Security)
02-20 __ Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
02-21 __ Nikto (Jedi Knight)
02-22 __ Anachin Skywalker (Hanger Duel)
02-23 __ Yoda (Jedi Master)
02-24 __ Jar Jar Binks (Gungan Senator)
02-25 __ Taun We (Kamino Cloner)
02-26 __ Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
02-27 __ Count Dooku (Dark Lord)
02-28 __ Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue)
02-29 __ Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel)
02-30 __ Darth Vader (Bespin Duel)
02-31 __ Jango Fett (Final Battle)
02-32 __ Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo Battle)
02-33 __ Endor Soldier
02-34 __ Massif (With Geonosian Warrior)
02-35 __ Orn Free Taa (Senator)
02-36 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Starfighter Pilot)
02-37 __ Han Solo (Endor Bunker)
02-38 __ Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture)
02-39 __ Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
02-40 __ Djas Puhr (Alien Bounty Hunter)
02-41 __ Padmé Amidala (Coruscant Attack)
02-42 __ Darth Maul (Sith Training)
02-43 __ Anachin Skywalker (Tatooine Attack)
02-44 __ Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)
02-45 __ Ephant Mon (Jabbàs Head of Securoty) Fan's Choice Figure #3
02-46 __ Teemto Pagalies (Pod Racer)
02-47 __ Jango Fett (Slave 1 Pilot)
02-48 __ Destroyer Droid (Geonosis Battle)
02-49 __ Clone Trooper (Republic Gunship Pilot)
02-50 __ Watto (Mos Espa Junk Dealer)
02-51 __ Lott Dod (Neimoidian Senator)
02-52 __ Tusken Raider (with Massif)
02-53 __ Yoda (Jedi High Council)
02-54 __ Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender)
02-55 __ Imperial Officer
02-56 __ Eeth Koth (Jedi Master)
02-57 __ Teebo

Basic Figures - 2003
03-01 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Acklay Battle)
03-02 __ Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation)
03-03 __ Darth Tyranus (Geonosian Escape)
03-04 __ Padmé Amidala (Droid Factory Chase)
03-05 __ SP-4 & JN-66 (Library Droids)
03-06 __ Tusken Raider (Tatooine Camp Ambush)
03-07 __ Anachin Skywalker (Secret Ceremony)
03-08 __ Boba Fett (The Pit of Carkoon)
03-09 __ R2-D2 (Droid Factory)
03-10 __ Lama Su (With Clone Child)
03-11 __ Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight)
03-12 __ Barris Offee (Luminara Undulìs Padawan)
03-13 __ Han Solo (Hoth Rescue)
03-14 __ Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt)
03-15 __ Yoda & Chian (Padawan Lightsaber Training)
03-16 __ Ashla & Jempa (Jedi Padawans)
03-17 __ Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel)
03-18 __ Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel)
03-19 __ Snowtrooper (The Battle of Hoth)
03-20 __ Jango Fett (Kamino Escape)
03-21 __ C-3PO (Tatooine Ambush)
03-22 __ Padmé Amidala (Secret Ceremony)
03-23 __ Wat Tambor (Geonosis War Room)
03-24 __ Coleman Trebor (Battle of Geonosis)
03-25 __ Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)
03-26 __ Princess Leia Organa (Imperial Captive)
03-27 __ Han Solo (Flight to Alderaan)
03-28 __ WA-7 (Dexter's Diner)
03-29 __ Lt. Dannl Faytonni (Coruscant Outlander Club)
03-30 __ The Emperor (Throne Room)
03-31 __ Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter)
03-32 __ Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
03-33 __ Bail Organa (Alderaan Senator)
03-34 __ McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper (Fan's Choice Figure #4)
03-35 __ Imperial Dignitary Janus Greejatus (Death Star Procession)
03-36 __ Padmé Amidala (Lars' Homestead)
03-37 __ Achk Med-Beq (Coruscant Outlander Club)
03-38 __ Ayy Vida (Outlander Nightclub Patron)
03-39 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
03-40 __ Elan Sleazebaggano (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
03-41 __ Imperial Dignitary Kren Blista-Vinee (Death Star Procession)

Basic Figures - 2004
Wave 1 - Hoth
04-01 __ Hoth Trooper (Hoth Evacuation)
04-02 __ R-3PO (Hoth Evacuation)
04-03 __ Luke Skywalker (Hoth Attack)

Wave 2 - Tatooine
04-04 __ Luke Skywalker (Jabbàs Palace)
04-05 __ R2-D2 (Jabbàs Sail Barge)
04-06 __ R1-G4 (Tatooine Transaction)

Wave 3 - Jabba's Palace
04-07 __ Lando Calrissian (Jabbàs Sail Barge)
04-08 __ Rappertunie (Jabbàs Palace)
04-09 __ J'Quille (Jabbàs Sail Barge)
04-10 __ Tanus Spijek (Jabbàs Sail Barge)
04-11 __ Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabbàs Palace)

Wave 4 - Battle of Yavin
04-12 __ General Jan Dodonna (Battle of Yavin)
04-13 __ Dutch Vander: Gold Leader (Battle of Yavin)
04-14 __ TIE Fighter Pilot (Battle of Yavin)
04-15 __ Captain Antilles (Tantive IV Invasion) Fan's Choice Figure #5

Wave 5 - Star Destroyer
04-16 __ Admiral Ozzel
04-17 __ Dengar (Executor Meeting)
04-18 __ Bossk (Executor Meeting)

Wave 6 - Battle of Endor
04-19 __ Han Solo (Endor Strike)
04-20 __ General Madine (Imperial Shuttle Capture)
04-21 __ Lando Calrissian (Death Star Attack)

"Hall of Fame" Figures
__ Anachin Skywalker (Geonosis Hangar Duel)
__ C-3PO (Death Star Rescue)
__ Chewbacca (Escape From Hoth)
__ Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)
__ Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
__ Han Solo (Flight to Alderaan)
__ Luke Skywalker (Tatooine encounter)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
__ Princess Leia (Death Star Captive)
__ R2-D2 (Tatooine Mission)
__ Stormtrooper (Death Star Chase)
__ Yoda (Battle of Geonosis)

Deluxe Figures
__ Anachin Skywalker with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Anachin Skywalker with Lightsaber Slashing Action!
__ C-3PO With Droid Factory Assembly Line!
__ Clone Trooper With Speeder Bike
__ Darth Tyranus with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Flying Geonosian with Sonic Blaster and Attack Pod!
__ Jango Fett (Kamino Showdown)
__ Jango Fett with Electronic Backpack and Snap-On Armor!
__ Mace Windu with Blast-Apart Battle Droid!
__ Nexu with Snapping Jaw and Attack Roar
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kamino Showdown)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Spider Droid with Rotating Turret and Firing Cannon!
__ Super Battle Droid Builder with Droid Factory Assembly Mold
__ Yoda with Force Powers!

Ultra Figures
__ C-3PO (Tatooine Escape)
__ Ewok with Attack Glider (Assault On Endor)
__ General Rieekan (Hoth Evacuation)
__ Jabbàs Palace Court Denizens
__ Jabba the Hutt (Jabbàs Palace)
__ Jango Fett (Kamino Confrontation)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kamino Confrontation)
__ Wampa (Hoth Attack)

Accessory Sets
__ Arena Conflict With Battle Droid
__ Death Star With Death Star Trooper
__ Endor Victory With Scout Trooper
__ Hoth Survival With Rebel Soldier

Cantina Sets
__ Dr. Evazan (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Greedo (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Kitik Keed'kak (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Momaw Nadon (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Ponda Baba (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Wuher (With Cantina Bar Section)

__ Endor Rebel Troopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Imperial Forces (Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, AT-ST Driver, R4-I9)
__ Jedi Warriors (Obi-wan Kenobi, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Fi-Ek Sirch)
__ Light Saber Action Pack
__ Rebel Troopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Sandtroopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Schirmish at Carkoon (Han Solo, Klaatu, Nikto, Barada)
__ Stormtroopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ The Battle of Hoth (Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, R3-A2 and Tauntaun)
__ Ultimate Bounty (Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, Aurra Sing w/ Swoop)
__ Value 4-pack

__ Boba Fett (2003 Convention Exclusive)
__ Clone Trooper (Toys R Us 2004 Exclusive)
__ Commander Jorg Sacul (2002 Celebration 2 Exclusive)
__ Darth Vader (2002 New York Toy Fair and Fan Club Exclusive)
__ Jedi-Con 2004 Convention Exclusive 2-Pack
__ Holiday Edition 2002 (R2-D2 and C-3PO)
__ Holiday Edition 2003 (Yoda)
__ R2-D2 (Toys R Us 2002 Silver Anniversary Exclusive)
__ SandTrooper (2004 Comic-Con Exclusive)

__ Acklay
__ Reek

Screen Scenes
__ Death Star Trash Compactor (Luke Skywalker and Han Solo)
__ Death Star Trash Compactor (Princess Leia and Chewbacca)
__ Geonosian War Room (Poggle the Lesser, San Hill, Count Dooku)
__ Geonosian War Room (Nute Gunray, Shu Mai, Passel Argente)
__ Jedi Council (Mace Windu, Even Piell, Oppo Rancisis)
__ Jedi Council (Yarael Poof, Depa Billaba, Yaddel)

Collectible Figures and Cups
__ Episode I - Darth Maul
__ Episode II - Anachin Skywalker
__ Episode IV - Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Episode V - Luke Skywalker
__ Episode VI - Princess Leia Organa

__ A-Wing Fighter
__ Anachin Skywalker's Speeder
__ Anachin Skywalker's Swoop
__ Darth Tyranus's Speeder
__ Jedi Starfighter
__ Jedi Starfighter (with Obi-Wan Kenobi)
__ Luke Skywalker and Landspeeder
__ Luke Skywalker's X-Wing Fighter
__ Red Leader's X-Wing Fighter (Death Star Trench)
__ Republic Gunship
__ Imperial Shuttle
__ Slave I
__ TIE Bomber (new packaging)
__ TIE Fighter (Imperial Dogfight)
__ Zam Wesell's Speeder

__ Geonosian Battle Arena

__ Anachin Skywalker (Rage)
__ Boba Fett
__ Chewbacca
__ Clone Trooper
__ Clone Trooper Captain
__ Darth Maul (Fury)
__ Darth Sidious
__ Darth Tyrannus (Dissension)
__ Darth Vader (Power)
__ Darth Vader (Redemption)
__ Han Solo
__ Jango & Boba Fett (Intensity)
__ Luke Skywalker
__ Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot)
__ Mace Windu (Honor)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Padmé Amidala (Courage)
__ Princess Leia (Sultry)
__ Yoda

12" Figures
__ Anachin Skywalker
__ Anachin Skywalker (Slashing Lightsaber Action)
__ AT-ST Driver
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Tatooine Encounter)
__ Biker Scout
__ Clone Commander
__ Clone Trooper
__ Clone Trooper (Captain)
__ Count Dooku
__ Dengar
__ Ewok 2-pack (Logray and Keoulkeech)
__ Gamorrean Guard
__ Garindan (Mos Eisley Cantina)
__ Geonosian Warrior
__ Han Solo
__ Imperial Officer
__ Jango Fett
__ Jango Fett (Electronic Battling)
__ Jawas (Tatooine Scavengers)
__ Ki-Adi-Mundi
__ Lando Calrissian (Schiff Disguise)
__ Luke Skywalker (Slashing Lightsaber Action)
__ Luke Skywalker & Tauntaun
__ Mace Windu
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Electronic Battling)
__ Padmé Amidala
__ Plo Koon
__ Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) & Han Solo (Carbonite)
__ Princess Leia with Speeder Bike
__ Super Battle Droid
__ Yoda (with hoverchair and accessories)

Vinyl Figures
__ Anachin Skywalker
__ Darth Vader
__ Jango Fett
__ Mace Windu

__ Arena Adoveenture
__ Duel With Darth Maul
__ Fast Through the Forest
__ Millennium Falcon Adoveenture
__ The Stompin' Wampa
__ X-Wing Adoveenture

Action Fleet
__ AT-AT
__ AT-TE
__ Dune Sea Ambush
__ Imperial Endor Pursuit
__ Millennium Falcon
__ Mos Eisley Encounter
__ Naboo Fighter
__ Republic Assault Ship
__ Republic Gunship
__ Slave 1
__ Solar Sailor
__ Snowspeeder
__ Tatooine Droid Hunter
__ TIE Fighter Adoveanced X1
__ X-Wing Fighter


Basic Figures
03-42 __ Anachin Skywalker
03-43 __ ARC Trooper
03-44 __ Yoda
03-45 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (General of the Republic Army)
03-46 __ Durge (Commander of the Separatist Forces)
03-47 __ Asajj Ventress (Sith Apprentice)
03-48 __ Mace Windu (General of the Republic Army)
03-49 __ Kit Fisto
03-50 __ Clone Trooper
03-51 __ Saesee Tiin

Animated Series Figures
__ Anachin Skywalker
__ Anachin Skywalker (Battle Damage)
__ ARC Trooper Captain
__ Asajj Ventress
__ Clone Trooper
__ Clone Trooper Captain
__ Clone Trooper Commander
__ Clone Trooper Lieutenant
__ Count Dooku
__ Durge
__ General Grievous
__ Mace Windu
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Yoda

Deluxe Figures
__ Clone Trooper with Speeder Bike
__ Spider Droid
__ Durge with Swoop Bike

__ Clone Trooper Army
__ Destroyer Droid Battle Launcher
__ Droid Army
__ Jedi Knight Army
__ Value Packs

__ Anachin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
__ Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
__ Command Gunship
__ Geonosian Starfighter
__ Hailfire Droid
__ Jedi Starfighter

Role Play
__ Anachin Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Count Dookùs Lightsaber
__ Mace Windùs Lightsaber
__ Obi-Wan Kenobìs Lightsaber
__ Yodàs Lightsaber

Video Games

__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Playstation 2)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Nintendo Gamecube)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Xbox)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Strategy Guide)
__ Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns (PC and Mac)
__ Star Wars: The New Droid Army (GameBoy Adoveance)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars - Planetary Forces (Online)
__ Star Wars: Republic Commando (Xbox and PC) (February 2005)


Basic Figures
OTC-01 __ Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-02 __ Yoda (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-03 __ Spirit Obi-Wan (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-04 __ R2-D2 (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-05 __ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) *Repaint*
OTC-06 __ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) *Repack*
OTC-07 __ Han Solo *Repack*
OTC-08 __ Chewbacca *Repack*
OTC-09 __ Princess Leia *Repack*
OTC-10 __ Darth Vader (Throne Room) *Repack*
OTC-11 __ Scout Trooper *Repack*
OTC-12 __ R2-D2 *Repack*
OTC-13 __ C-3PO *Repack*
OTC-14 __ Boba Fett *Repaint*
OTC-15 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi *Repack*
OTC-16 __ Stormtrooper *Repack*
OTC-17 __ Wicket *Repaint*
OTC-18 __ Princess Leia (Cloud City) *New*
OTC-19 __ Cloud Car Pilot *New*
OTC-20 __ Lobot (Cloud City) *New*
OTC-21 __ TIE Fighter Pilot *Repack*
OTC-22 __ Greedo *Repaint*
OTC-23 __ Tusken Raider *Repaint*
OTC-24 __ Jawas *Repaint*
OTC-25 __ Snowtrooper *Repaint*
OTC-26 __ Luke Skywalker (Bespin Gear) *Repaint*
OTC-27 __ IG-88 *Repack*
OTC-28 __ Bossk *Repack*
OTC-29 __ Darth Vader (Hoth) *Repaint*
OTC-30 __ Gamorrean Guard *Repaint*
OTC-31 __ Bib Fortuna *Repaint*
OTC-32 __ Lando Calrissian (Schiff Guard) *Repack*
OTC-33 __ Princess Leia (Sail Barge) *Repack*
OTC-34 __ Darth Vader (Death Star) *Repack*
OTC-35 __ Han Solo (AT-ST Driver) *Repack*
OTC-36 __ General Madine *Repack*
OTC-37 __ Lando Calrissian (General) *Repack*
OTC-38 __ Imperial Trooper *Repaint*

2005 Transitional Figures
Wave 1 - Coruscant
05-01 __ Pablo-Jill (Geonosis Arena)
05-02 __ Yarua (Woochiee Senator)
05-03 __ Sly Moore

Wave 2 - Naboo
05-04 __ Queen Amidala (Naboo Celebration)
05-05 __ Rabé (Royal Handmaiden)

Wave 3 - Cantina
05-06 __ Feltipern Trevagg (Cantina)
05-07 __ Myo (Cantina)
05-08 __ Dannik Jerriko (Cantina Encounter)

Wave ' - Repacks
05-09 __ Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
05-10 __ Darth Vader (Death Star Hangar)
05-11 __ Stormtrooper (Death Star Attack)
05-12 __ Sandtrooper (Tatooine Search)
05-13 __ Scout Trooper (Endor Raid)
05-14 __ Han Solo (Mos Eisley Escape)
05-15 __ Chewbacca (Hoth Escape)
05-16 __ Yoda (Dagobah Training)

Vintage-style Figures
__ Boba Fett
__ C-3PO
__ Chewbacca
__ Darth Vader
__ Han Solo
__ Lando Calrissian
__ Luke Skywalker
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Princess Leia
__ R2-D2
__ Stormtrooper
__ Yoda

Exclusive Figures
__ Darth Vader (2004 Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
__ Emperor Palpatine (Executor Transmission) (StarWarsShop.com)
__ Jawas (2004 Holiday Edition)
__ Luke Skywalker's Encounter With Yoda (Encuentros Mexico 2004)
__ Luke Skywalker (DVD Release Invitation)
__ Princess Leia (DVD Release Invitation)
__ Scout Trooper (Star Wars: Battlefront)

__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: A New Hope
__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: The Empire Strikes Back
__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: Return of the Jedi
__ Endor Ambush
__ Naboo Final Combat

Screen Scenes
__ Mos Eisley Cantina I (Dr. Evazan, Wuher, Kitik Keed'kak)
__ Mos Eisley Cantina I (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ponda Baba, Zutton)
__ Jedi Council I (Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ki-Adi-Mundi)
__ Jedi Council II (Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth)
__ Jedi Council III (Anachin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia)
__ Jedi Council IV (Shaak Ti, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie)

Collectible Figures and Cups
__ Boba Fett
__ Han Solo
__ Yoda

__ Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
__ Millennium Falcon
__ Millennium Falcon Crew
__ Sandcrawler
__ Slave I
__ TIE Fighter
__ TIE Fighter & X-Wing Fighter
__ X-Wing Fighter
__ Y-Wing Fighter

12" Figures
__ Boba Fett
__ Chewbacca
__ Luke Skywalker
__ Stormtrooper

Role Play
__ Anachin Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Darth Vader's Lightsaber
__ Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Obi-Wan Kenobìs Lightsaber
__ Yodàs Lightsaber

Star Wars Buddies
__ Chewbacca
__ C-3PO
__ R2-D2
__ Wicket
__ Yoda

Galactic Heroes
Wave 1 - A New Hope
__ C-3PO & Chewbacca
__ Darth Vader & Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Luke Skywalker & R2-D2
__ Princess Leia & Han Solo

Wave 2 - Attack of the Clones
__ Jango Fett & Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Padmé Amidala & Anachin Skywalker
__ Yoda & Clone Trooper

Wave 3 - Bounty Hunters
__ Boba Fett & Dengar
__ 4-LOM & Bossk
__ IG-88 & Zuckuss

Wave 4 - Tatooine
__ Luke Skywalker (Jedi) & Gamorrean Guard
__ Lando Calrissian (Schiff) & Nikto
__ Jawa & Tusken Raider

Additional Sets
__ Stormtrooper & Stormtrooper
__ Scout Trooper (SDCC Giveaway)
__ Millennium Falcon
__ X-Wing Fighter

Jedi Force
__ C-3PO & R2-D2
__ Chewbacca with Woochiee Action Tool
__ Darth Vader and Imperial Claw Droid
__ Luke Skywalker with Jedi Jet Pack

__ Luke Skywalker and Speeder Bike
__ Lukès X-Wing

__ Aayla Secura
__ Aurra Sing
__ Bossk
__ IG-88
__ Stormtrooper
__ Tusken Raider

__ Ask Yoda
__ C-3PO Carry Case
__ Darth Vader Carry Case
__ Darth Vader Voice Changer
__ OTC Guidebook
__ OTC Pamphlet
__ OTC Poster (San Diego Comic Con)
__ OTC Shelf Dangler (Retail Display)
__ Star Wars Monopoly


Sneak Preview
__ 1 of 4: General Grievous
__ 2 of 4: Tion Medon
__ 3 of 4: Woochiee Warrior
__ 4 of 4: R4-G9

__ Anachin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
__ Super Soaker Woochiee Water Blaster

Di Wizard of The Coast

Serie 'Rebel Storm'
Bothan Spy
Commando on Speeder Bike
Elite Hoth Trooper
Elite Rebel Trooper
Han Solo
Hoth Trooper
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
Luke Skywalker, Rebel
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Princess Leia, Captive
Princess Leia, Senator
Rebel Commando
Rebel Officer
Rebel Pilot
Rebel Trooper
Rebel Trooper
Woochiee Soldier
Darth Vader, Dark Jedi
Darth Vader, Sith Lord

Elite Snowtrooper
Elite Stormtrooper
Emperor Palpatine
General Veers
Grand Moff Tarchin
Heavy Stormtrooper
Imperial Officer
Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand
Probe Droid
Royal Guard
Scout Trooper
Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike
Stormtrooper Officer
Sandtrooper on Dewback
Bespin Guard
Boba Fett
Duros Mercenary
Gamorrean Guard
Ithorian Scout
Jabba the Hutt
Lando Calrissian
Mon Calamari Mercenary
Quarren Assassin
Tusken Raider
Twìlek Bodyguard
Twìlek Scoundrel

Serie 'Clone Strike'

Aayla Secura
Aerial Clone Trooper Captain
Anachin Skywalker
ARC Trooper
Captain Typho
Clone Trooper
Clone Trooper
Clone Trooper Commander
Clone Trooper Grenadier
Clone Trooper Sergeant
Agen Kolar
General Kenobi
Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu
Gungan Infantry
Jedi Guardian
Kit Fisto
Luminara Unduli
Mace Windu
Naboo Soldier
Padmé Amidala
Plo Koon
Qui-Gon Jinn
Quinlan Vos
Saesee Tiin
Asajj Ventress
Battle Droid
Battle Droid
Battle Droid
Battle Droid Officer
Battle Droid on STAP
Count Dooku
Dark Side Acolyte
Darth Maul
Darth Sidious
Destroyer Droid
Dwarf Spider Droid
General Grievous
Geonosian Drone
Geonosian Overseer
Geonosian Picador on Orray
Geonosian Soldier
Jango Fett
Security Battle Droid
Super Battle Droid
Super Battle Droid
Aqualish Spy
Aurra Sing
Devaronian Bounty Hunter
Gran Raider
Ishi Tib Scout
Klatooinian Enforcer
Nikto Soldier
Quarren Raider
Rodian Mercenary
Weequay Mercenary
Woochiee Commando
Zam Wesell


-Star Wars Encyclopedia

-The Essential Chronology (Star Wars)
by Kevin J. Anderson, et al

-The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons (Star Wars)
by Daniel Wallace, et al

-The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (Star Wars)

- The Essential Guide to Alien Species (Star Wars)
by Ann Margaret Lewis, R. K. Post

-The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology (Star Wars)
by Bill Smith, et al

-The New Essential Guide to Characters (Star Wars)
by Daniel Wallace, Michael Sutfin

-The Essential Guide to Droids (Star Wars)
by Daniel Wallace, et al

-Star Wars
by David West Reynolds, Alexander Ivanov
-Arms and Equipment Guide (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)
by Jeff Grubb, Owen K. C. Stephens

-The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (Star Wars)
by Bill Smith, et al

-Illustrated Star Wars Universe (Bantam Spectra)

- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe - First Edition - Raymond L. Velasco
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe - Second Edition - Bill Slavicsek
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe - Third Edition - Bill Slavicsek

-The New Essential Star Wars Guide to Weapons & Technology - Haden Blackman and Ian Fullwood
-Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide - Ben Burtt, illustrated by Sergio Aragones

-Star Wars The Visual Dictionary - David West Reynolds

- Star Wars Technical Journal of the Imperial Forces
- Star Wars Technical Journal of the Rebel Forces

- STAR WARS FACT FILE DI DeAgostini, che si è interrotto solo al numero 75.


In grassetto i titoli, in rosso l'eventuale descrizione, in blu i fumetti già strampati in Italia.
***Nella lista non sono inclusi alcuni fumetti particolari quali i comics Droids dei Kellogs e, ovviamente, la serie regolare Marvel degli anni 70-80***

Classic Star Wars: le ristampe delle strips
In Italia è inedita l'intera serie, dal numero 1 al numero 20.
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adoveentures: come sopra, ristampe delle strips
In Italia è inedita l'intera miniserie, dal numero 1 al numero 9.
Classic Star Wars: The Vandelheim Mission: ristampa del marvel numero 98
1 numero, inedito in Italia
Movie Adaptations, ristampe dei Marvel con l'adattamento a fumetti della trilogia
3 miniserie da 2 numeri ciascuna, inedite in Italia
Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds: ristampe Marvel
Miniserie da 2 numeri, inedita in Italia
Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars' End: versione a fumetti dell'omonimo libro
Miniserie da 3 numeri, inedita in Italia
BOBA FETT: Bounty on Bar-Kooda, When the Fat Lady Swings, Murder Most Foul
I tre volume sono editi in Italia raccolti in Boba Fett, Morte, Bugie e Tradimenti
Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction
Pubblicato in Italia in 'Cacciatori di taglie'
Boba Fett: Salvage
Una uscita, inedito in Italia.
Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire
Edito in Italia come 'Boba Fett ' nemico dell'Impero'
Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing, Scoundrel's Wages, Kenix Kil
Pubblicati in Italia in 'Cacciatori di taglie'
Miniserie di 4 numeri, editi in Italia nel TPB omonimo.
Clone Wars Adoveentures: fumetti con grafica stile CW cartoon
3 volumi editi negli USA; inedito in Italia
Crimson Empire
Edito in Italia come 'L'impero cremisi'
Crimson Empire II ' Council of blood
Edito in Italia come 'L'impero cremisi II ' Il consiglio di sangue'
Dark Empire
Edito in Italia come 'Il Lato Oscuro della Forza'
Dark Empire II
Edito in Italia come 'La vendetta dell'imperatore'
Empire's end
Edito in Italia come 'La fine dell'Impero'
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
Inedito in Italia
Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
Inedito in Italia
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Inedito in Italia
Droids Special: Welcome to Kalarba
Inedito in Italia
Droids (Volume 1)
Serie di 6 volumi, inedita in Italia
Droids (Volume 2)
Serie di 8 volumi, inedita in Italia
Droids: The Mixed-Up Droid (con audiocassetta)
Un volume, inedito in Italia
Droids: The Protocol Offensive
Un volume, inedito in Italia
Empire serie tuttora in corso di pubblicazione
Sono usciti, per ora, 28 volumi; tutti inediti in Italia
Empire: A Valentie story
Un volume, inedito in Italia
Episode One Adoveentures
Pubblicato prima come miniserie (5 volumi) e poi TPB; inedito in Italia
Jabba the Hutt ' The art of deal
Edito in Italia come 'Jabba the Hutt ' l'arte del commercio'
Jango Fett (one shoot)
Inedito in Italia
Zam Wessel (one shoot)
Inedito in Italia
Jango Fett ' Open seasons
Miniserie di 4 numeri; inedita in Italia
Jedi ' Mace Windu
Inedito in Italia
Jedi ' Shaak Ti
Inedito in Italia
Jedi ' Aayla Secura
Inedito in Italia
Jedi ' Count Dooku
Inedito in Italia
Jedi - Yoda
Inedito in Italia
Jedi Academy - Leviathan
Edito in Italia come 'Accademia Jedi ' Leviatano'
Jedi Council ' Acts of war
Miniserie di 4 numeri e TPB; inedito in Italia
Jedi Quest
Miniserie in 4 volumi; inedita in Italia
Star Wars Manga ' ANH, TESB, ROTJ, TPM
Tutti editi in Italia
Mara Jade ' by the Emperor's hand
Miniserie in 6 volumi e TPB; edito in Italia come 'Mara Jade ' il braccio dell'imperatore'
Movie Adaptations ' ANH, TESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC
Tutti editi in Italia
Heir to the Empire ' comics adaptation
Edito in Italia come 'L'erede dell'Impero'
Dark Forces rising ' comics adaptation
Edito in Italia come 'Sfida alla nuova Repubblica'
The last command ' comics adaptation
Edito in Italia come 'L'ulti, missione'

Splinter of mind's eye ' comics adaptation
Inedito in Italia
Qui-Gon e Obi-Wan: Last stand on Ord Mantell
Miniserie in 3 volumi; inedita in Italia
Qui-Gon e Obi-Wan: the aurorient express
Miniserie in 2 volumi; inedita in Italia
Republic (fino al n° 45 detta 'On-going'); fanno parte di questa serie le storie sulla guerra dei cloni
Serie attualmente in pubblicazione di cui sono usciti 72 numeri; tutti inediti in Italia
River of chaos
Miniserie in 4 numeri; inedita in Italia
Shadows of the Empire
Edito in Italia come 'L'ombra dell'impero'
Shadows of the Empire ' Evolution
Edito in Italia come 'L'ombra dell'Impero ' Evoluzione'
Shadow stalker
The Jabba Tape
2 volumi promozionali su SOTE; inediti in Italia
Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2 serie, da 13 e 3 numeri, con varie storie a puntate
Inedite in Italia
Star Wars Kids Magazine 20 uscite con storie a puntate
Inedite in Italia
Star Wars Tales in corso di pubblicazione
Sono usciti, per ora, 21 numeri; tutti inediti in Italia
Tales of the Jedi
Tutta la saga di TOTJ è edita in Italia
Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika
Inedito in Italia
Edito in Italia come 'Matrimonio'
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' The rebel opposition
Inedito in Italia
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' The phantom affair
Edito in Italia come 'La nave fantasma'
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' Battleground: Tatooine
Edito in Italia come 'Campo di battaglia Tatooine'
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' The warrior princess
Edito in Italia come 'La principessa guerriera'
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' Requiem for a Rogue
Edito in Italia come 'Requiem per un Rogue'
X-Wing Rogue Squadron - In the Empirès Service
Inedito in Italia
X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Blood and Honor
Inedito in Italia
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' Masqaurede (miniserie)
Inedito in Italia
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ' Mandatory retirement (miniserie)
Inedito in Italia

Che la Forza sia con noi...

insomma è poca la roba che ci manca... caspiterina!!!

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