A* Episode 1 Script smbhax.com Characters: Barny - the computer on Vero's small ship Vero - the guy with the gun Solvan Mar - the short big-nosed guy #### scene 1: Barny interior, pitch black BARNY Reaction detected. BARNY Injecting secondary stimulants. VERO Ugh... BARNY Removing catheter. VERO Uh! BARNY Disconnecting oxygen feed. VERO Where...? BARNY Disconnecting power feed. VERO Oh. Right. BARNY Releasing suit restraints. VERO Metropole Station. Luxury resort, convention center for the major corps. BARNY Query: Sir? VERO Yeah. Yeah, Barny. Better start cutting. VERO Big corp meeting on now. Metro's been in security lockdown for three weeks. BARNY Hull penetration achieved. VERO I've been here for four. #### scene 2a: Metropole station interior, storage room and halls BARNY Verified standard interior atmosphere and temperature. VERO Umph. VERO Seal up, Barny. Radio silence until you get my signal. VERO This imitation Metro suit won't stand up to close scrutiny. VERO Shouldn't need to. VERO I won't be here long. VERO Uff... VERO Damn it, come on. VERO What the hell's wrong with me? VERO I'm a shipper. Four weeks in stasis is nothing. VERO Yeah, only usually I'm doing cargo runs, not... #### scene 2b: halls to outside Solvan Mar's room VERO ...assassination. VERO This is it. VERO Get your damn head together, Vero. VERO No telling when he'll show. #### scene 3: outside Solvan Mar's room SOLVAN MAR Get the hell outta my way. VERO That's him. VERO Solvan Mar. VERO Head of Core Sys Corporation. VERO Sorry, sir. VERO Standard security procedure. SOLVAN MAR What's the problem? VERO Dunno, sir. Probably just a sensor glitch. SOLVAN MAR Hmph. #### scene 4a: Solvan Mar's room VERO Now. VERO Hm. Using the head. VERO I'll wait. Got to do this kind of thing right. VERO Nice rooms these corp bastards give themselves. SOLVAN MAR What--? VERO Sorry, Mar. End of the line. SOLVAN MAR What is this? Who hired you? Treban? VERO No. Nobody hired me. VERO See... VERO You killed a buddy of mine. SOLVAN MAR I have no idea what you're talking about. VERO ... You had a fleet of unmarked ships dumping in the old shipping lane off Tempus 477. VERO Sig and I ran right into the debris. VERO Your ships left us there to die. SOLVAN MAR I don't have any ships in that area. VERO ... SOLVAN MAR You've got ten seconds to get out of here before I call security. VERO You're not lying your way out of this! #### scene 4b: Mar's room continued VERO I can't... VERO I know he did it. VERO The bastard's standing there laughing at me. VERO Why can't I just shoot him? VERO Pull the trigger, Vero. It's easy. Just... VERO Damn it! #### scene 5: communicating in Mar's room, and station exterior with missiles VERO Barny. BARNY Query: Sir? VERO Do it. BARNY Running... VERO Yeah, Barn. Real simple. VERO Just follow the program. VERO Two shots. VERO One for the station's sensor array. VERO One for me. //end